
Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Here I am revisiting this verse!  I just love how directly it speaks to me... giving me explicit direction for my life!!!
Ephesians 5:11-16  "Don't waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness.  Expose these things for the sham they are.  It's a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see.  RIP THE COVER off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ!
Wake up from your sleep,
Climb out of your coffins;

Wow.... That passage speaks for itself, right???!  What are you trying to hide from Christ?  RIP OFF THOSE covers and expose them!  He knows our lies.  He knows our deepest darkest secrets.  He knows our past.  He knows our faults.  Jealousy.  Anger.  Doubt.  He knows all of it.  All those things create holes in our soul.  The healing comes when we allow Christ's love to shine through those holes.  Ephesians 5:8 tells us to "live as children of light...for the fruit of light consists of goodness, righteousness and truth"!

Let's go to Him with our gaping neediness.  Let His light of love fill us!  Let His light shine into our darkness, and cover us with His grace!

1 comment:

karen said...

Nice reminder...even if a little painful. ;)
Love you!