
Friday, January 20, 2012

Green Hope

Last night was my second Session of Holy Yoga Instructor training. We studied Romans 15:13...
"Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!"

I love this. First of all, why GREEN hope (from the message)???? Green...think about it. lush. things in bloom, sustaining... (not yet ripe or mature, but flourishing!!!) GREEN HOPE! Hope flourishing. PEACE. So that my BELIEVING LIVES. (not just in my scattered mind, but in my every breath, my whole heart)

"LIFE GIVING ENERGY of the HOLY SPIRIT"... ahhhhh this sounds good. I need some life giving enegry

and BRIMMMMING over with hope. Not just enough hope. Brimming over! One thing we talked about last night is that God will meet us where we are. We are called to continue to grow in Him, but He is right here, where I am with me TODAY..

I am renaming my Blog.


Kristin Moyers said...

You Go MY Fellow Leo : )GET BENDY!!

karen said...

I'm so excited for you jen! God has been leading you here for many years! So wish I was closer to join you more in a physical way...but will join you from here spiritually and in prayer! God has and will continue to use you in amazing ways thru this way!! Go bendy girl!